What Are the Most Common Types of Steel Studs?

What Are the Most Common Types of Steel Studs?

Steel studs are a low-maintenance, high-strength option for framing walls of both commercial and residential structures. With steel stud framing, builders can create a strong and durable frame for walls that will resist damage from fire, pests, and moisture.

There are many different types of steel studs available on the market, each with its benefits. There are two main types of steel studs, hot-rolled steel (HRS) and cold-formed steel (CFS).

Hot-Rolled Steel Studs

Hot-rolled steel studs are made from steel that has been heated to its melting point and then passed through rollers to achieve the desired shape. Hot-rolled steel is available in multiple shapes, sizes, and gauges.

One advantage of hot-rolled steel studs is that they are typically less expensive than cold-formed steel.

Cold-Formed Steel Studs

The process of creating cold-formed steel studs is very similar to creating hot-rolled steel studs but with an additional cold-rolling step. After the metal cools down, it is then passed through rollers a second time.

One advantage of cold-formed steel studs is that the extra cold-rolling process adds strength and durability.

What Type of Steel Stud Should I choose?

Both hot-rolled and cold-formed steel studs can be used for any type of development. When choosing steel studs for your project, it is essential to consider the type of project you are working on, the load requirements, and the budget.

If you are unsure where to start, our team at Turner Bros can help you select the best type of steel stud for your project. Visit our website today to learn more.

Turner Bros Contractors Ltd. has been providing steel-stud framing, drywall, and acoustic ceiling services for residential and commercial applications in the Vancouver area since 1932. The company is family-run with four generations of the family represented in the business.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your residential or commercial project, please call us at (604) 532-1991 or email us at info@turnerbros.ca.

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