What are the Cost Benefits of Using Steel Stud Framing for a Commercial Building?

What are the Cost Benefits of Using Steel Stud Framing for a Commercial Building?

If you have plans to design a brand-new commercial building, one of the first considerations will be the framing material. In British Columbia, the two most popular options are wood and steel, and for years wood has often been the more affordable choice. 

However, with recent supply chain adjustments, timber industry regulations, and new technology, steel stud framing has become a much more affordable choice. Below are some main cost benefits of using steel stud framing for a commercial building.

Steel Prices Are Predicable

The price of wood is constantly fluctuating due to the limited supply and a finite number of harvested materials per year. Additionally, almost no pieces of wood are identical, as pieces can become gouged, warped, or twisted. 

Steel, on the other hand, is created when needed, and each framing component is modified to meet the exact specifications of your building.

More Durable to External Factors

When it comes to long-term durability, steel is a much better option than wood. Timber can rot, become infested with termites, and has a much higher chance of catching fire. Steel, on the other hand, requires minimal maintenance and can withstand the extreme colds of winter, or the dog days of summer, with no signs of wear and tear.

Faster Fabrication & Installation

The biggest cost-saving advantage of steel stud framing is the fabrication and installation speed. With steel stud framing, all the components are prefabricated, which speeds up the assembly and installation process. Instead of having to saw, hack, and cut each piece of wood, entire panels are already set up according to specifications and easily installed.

Turner Bros Contractors Ltd. has been providing steel-stud framing, drywall, and acoustic ceiling services for residential and commercial applications in the Vancouver area since 1932. The company is family-run with four generations of the family represented in the business.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your residential or commercial project, please call us at (604) 532-1991 or email us at info@turnerbros.ca.

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